Return to the Dentist

 So, you didn't quite make it to the next week without having to get your other tooth fixed. Thankfully, they were able to repair it rather than pull it out. Yay for you and yay for our bank account. I was fully prepared to pay another several hundred to get it pulled or get a root canal. You have been pretty miserable, and it's hard to watch you feeling so sad. Work has been tough, church is tough especially as the bishop and, everything is a bit overwhelming at the moment. A painful tooth is really the last thing you need. I said to you earlier in the week that maybe the dentist emergencies were Heavenly Father's way of forcing you to take a break. Oh, did I mention that it was your birthday, the day you had to go to the dentist? It's okay; we decided to move your birthday to share it with Ammon in a few weeks so you are actually able to enjoy it. 

Since you were home and the dentist went pretty well, I thought, why not go sit in the emergency room at the hospital for the rest of the day and night? I have been feeling pretty unwell with this pregnancy and wanted to get checked out. What an utter waste of time. We really didn't get any answers, and to be honest, I wasn't that happy with how it all went. I guess I will just have to wait until this baby is out to feel better. I am so glad we have these big kids, though. They are such a huge blessing to us. When we came home, the house was clean, and Ammon and Carter were in bed. Lili had made a yummy pasta dinner for everyone, too. I think we are doing okay as parents. 

On Wednesday night, you had youth baptisms at the temple. I was pretty worried about you since you got up at 3am for work (not even sleeping much beforehand). By the time you got home, you only had about 30 minutes before you had to leave for the temple to pick kids up along the way. Not to mention, you were in pain with your tooth. It was close to 10pm by the time you got home. I am glad I managed to convince you to go to the dentist the next day, so at least you were able to sleep in. 

There was some fun during the week; we put up all the Christmas decorations. You and Carter enjoyed decorating the shelf together. I really appreciated the effort you put in, given your tiredness and soreness. We even managed a half-decent photo...after a million attempts. Remember the days of the film camera? Probably why there were so many awful photos back in the day. Now, we can edit, retake and only share the good ones. 


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